Getting Ski & Snowboard Fit

Thinking of joining Addventure Tours this winter for a cheap ski holiday? Skiing in Poland is an experience you will never forget, but although the February half-term may feel like a long way away, now is the time to get fit for the efforts involved.*

Family skiing holidays aren’t all about hard work, of course, but it pays to ensure your body is ready. This way, you can maximise your fun, whilst minimising any risk of muscle injuries.

Winter sports like skiing and snowboarding use different muscles to exercise in different ways than are used at home in sports like running or cycling.

The main muscles you’ll use when you join us for your Zakopane ski holiday are:

  1. Quadriceps (front of your thigh).

    The most used muscle group in skiing, quadriceps hold you in position as you ski. As you might expect, they also provide protection for your knees. Squats and lunges, with or without weights, are great exercises for strengthening this key muscle.

  1. Hamstrings (back of your thigh) & Glutes (your bum!).

    Alpine skiing requires your hamstrings and glutes to keep you in the correct position. Work these muscles with deadlifts, step-ups and hamstring rolls. Resistance machines at the local gym are great for these exercises, but they can be done at home with weights.

  1. Inner and Outer thighs

    Your thighs have to work hard to keep your skis together, and of course, to help you steer. At home, a great exercise to do is the side lunge. At the gym, adductor machines allow you to squeeze and push your thighs, which strengthen them nicely.

  1. Calves (back of your lower leg).

    Although your ski boots keep you upright, because your knees are bent as you ski, more pressure is put on your calves than in normal life. You can strengthen your calves by doing seated or standing calve raises with a weight in your hands.

  1. Core (abdominals and back.

    Your core keeps your body stable as you ski, protecting your spine from any damage. Therefore, strengthen these vital muscle groups with such exercises as bicycle crunches, medicine ball twists, planks and the good, old-fashioned press-up. At the gym, lat pulls and dumb bell rows provide great workouts for the back.”

  1. Arms.

    Although most of the work skiing is of course performed by your legs, don’t neglect your biceps and triceps during your exercise routine. You’ll use your arms to push off with your poles, they also stabilize your shoulder joints. Add general exercises like dumbbell curls to your workout.

If possible, give yourself at least six weeks of exercising this way before flying off on your cheap ski holiday to Poland. This way, you’ll be in the best possible shape to enjoy the wonderful skiing and snowboarding we have to offer here.

* As with all physical activity, one has to start light and slow, so as to build your body up, not break it down. These exercises are only provided as a guide. We recommend consulting your GP or a qualified sports professional, like a physiotherapist or gym owner. Before commencing any programme of exercise.